"Committed to Quality Nutrition and Living Well"
Nutrition is the foundation of your body’s health and vitality. It is the building block which creates and defines your energy level, mood, strength capacity and radiance. Yet, there is no right formula for everyone.
Good nutrition is about understanding what foods and practices are right for your body and its unique make-up and being provided the correct and proper information from a proven trained professional.
The Nutrition Planner has several services and products to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.
Nutritional Counseling with Certified Diabetes Educator
As a licensed dietitian and certified diabetes educator I can help provide a variety of specialized services for people living with diabetes. In addition to diabetes education, I provide medical nutrition therapy services for individuals living with kidney disease, cardiovascular conditions, gastro-intestinal issues, obesity and weight gain, unexpected weight loss, and other areas of concern.

People are always amazed when I tell them I am OVER 65 years old and of course they always want to know what I do to stay young looking!. Well, it is time to share my secret to Healthy Aging! It does not include any magic pills, surgeries or risky procedures. I will help you obtain and apply the right information to maintain and enhance your health, vitality, and wellness regardless of age.
In my commitment to Healthy Aging, I help seniors prolong their physical, social and emotional health, and maintain a high level of wellness to delay or eliminate the need for institutional care.
The Nutrition Planner supports the needs of our seniors and aging society with the following services that are safe, comfortable and easily accessible:
wellness programs
support groups
instructional classes and more
Tell us what, where, when and who, and we tell you how we can develop the tools and resources to support your individual or group nutritional and wellness needs.
Following are just a few areas we have supported other individuals and possibly how we can help you?
• Corporate Seminars/Spokesperson
• Menu Development
• Corporate Wellness Programs
• Executive Management Nutrition and Wellness Coaching
• Freelance Nutrition Writing
• Grocery Store Shopping Tours
• Media Communications
• Speaker Engagements
• Trade Show and/or Corporate Events
• Nutritional Coaching in the Comfort of Your Home
Need a makeover? Desire a recharge? Together we complete a pantry TRANSFORMATION! and it’s your choice. The Nutrition Planner can come to your home or we can take a virtual tour where we develop the right approach and customized solutions for you.
We will evaluate your refrigerators, freezers, and pantries, assess your food and beverage stock and review how to revamp your food and beverage choices.
Easy preparation ideas for healthy and delicious meals for you and your family will be also be provided.