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Host or Party Goer?—Choose Wise & Healthy Foods

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

Between big time football games, awards shows and long weekends, before we know it this month will be over. Now I know how easy it can be to drop the ball and fumble your best laid plans to move toward a healthier lifestyle. No worries, you can easily make changes to incorporate your quest for better health into your social life. Here are a few guidelines to help you stay on track for healthy eating.

Whatever the sport, you can root for your team, enjoy the festivities and the buffet of enticing foods. Consider your eating choices as part of your training, getting in shape for the “party event. “ Plan ahead by eating a healthful breakfast the day of the gathering. Foods to consider include whole grain cereals, such as oatmeal topped with fresh fruit, low-fat Greek-style yogurt, low-fat milk and sugar free beverages. Protein foods like eggs or lean meats are good choices because they will stave off hunger longer than a carb heavy meal. In addition to giving real food for thought to your meal that day, make sure you allow the time you’ll need to get at least 30 minutes of exercise.

Don’t skip lunch—have a lunch that includes low-fat or non-cream-based soup, a sandwich made of whole grain bread with lean meat such as turkey or peanut butter. If you enjoy salads, choose a main-dish salad of assorted lettuces, carrots, and water-packed tuna along with a light or vinaigrette salad dressing.

Once you arrive at the party, cruise past the refreshments to get an idea of the options available. Though the host may have an assortment of foods and snacks to choose from, you can stick to your good eating plan by choosing items such as the options on the following list of Good and Best choices.

Good Choice Best Choice

Beverages Drink plenty of ambient or sparkling water. Add a slice of lemon, lime or orange to give it a touch of citrus flavor. If the beverage is an “adult” libation, avoid mixed punches or cocktails. Go with a light beer, or one or two glasses of white or red wine. Skip sangria style drinks—though they contain plenty of fruit they often will include more sugar than recommended.

These suggestions are a few of the items you may find on the menu. Keep in mind you want to choose wisely, selecting moderate amounts to avoid overindulging. Whether you’re planning the party or one of the guests, these tips are good guides to help keep the focus on good eating without sacrificing goals for a healthier lifestyle.

Take Away: You can entertain party and enjoy samples from the refreshment table—the key to staying on track is planning to choose healthy options before the party gets started.

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